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Our Story

Genie Benson
Wendy Kout

How can two valley girls, who were Grant High School cheerleaders, change the world? Well, for one, we never retired our pom poms. Through the years we both cheered for our causes and produced culture for a range of media.

Through the years, we also lost touch with each other. Until April 2022, when Genie read a Facebook post of Wendy’s, expressing gratitude to the cast and crew of her Holocaust and tolerance teaching play which toured schools in Philadelphia. Wendy’s phone rang.

“Tell me about SURVIVORS.”
“Yeah. So why just Philly?
“I’m listening.”

With that reconnection, came a partnership and shared mission to change the world through art. We will be developing, producing and supporting plays, films, dance, music and literature to inspire tolerance and positive social change.

We hope you join us on our journey!

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