“This impacted me by showing how much hate could lead to such a terrible thing.”

10th Grade Student, Calabasas High School

“It made me want to stand up for what’s wrong.  It showed me change comes.”

10th Grade Student, Calabasas High School

“It made the Holocaust seem more real because the characters were real survivors and easy to relate to.”

10th Grade Student, Calabasas High School

“It made the Holocaust more real and helped me understand what people went through.”

10th Grade Student, Calabasas High School

“When I saw the play I had already known a lot about the holocaust and the tragedies faced.  This play really put it into perspective and made me really connect more to the event in history.”

Camper, Camp Alonim

“I really liked it and felt it was important to learn especially with everything going on in today’s world”

Student – Calabasas High School

“I think the actors did an incredible job and made me feel very sad for the people in the holocaust. I learned a lot, and this influenced me to change who I am and to speak out.”

Student– PAEC School

“The play really made me more aware of racism, discrimination, and issues with equality. It allowed me to be less naive and ignorant towards the injustices of the past and to learn from those moments.”

Student – LAUSD school

“It has opened my perspective so that I can be a much more empathetic person.”

Student – LAUSD school

“The experience informed me to keep standing up for others in need. It also taught me to beware of propaganda that might seem like news.”

Student – LAUSD school

“It made me feel like I should stand up and help people whenever I can.”

Student – LAUSD school

“The play helped me understand how terrible hate and racism is even more.”

Student – LAUSD school

“This play impacted me in a big way. I am a Jewish kid who has learned about the holocaust many times and this play encouraged me more than any thing to do the right things."

Student – LAUSD school


“This was an outstanding play.  I have never witnessed my students so focused.”

Educator – John Marshall High School – Los Feliz

“I went with the expectation that my students would gain context on the Holocaust.  The play exceeded my expectations completely!”  

Educator – LAUSD school

“I wanted to widen the lens and scope of our learning.  We read “Night” and only had a narrow perspective of Elie Weisel’s experience.  So, I was grateful my students could hear various perspectives.”

Educator - LAUSD school

“My students gained an understanding of individual experiences.  Real life narratives have a bigger impact.”

Educator - LAUSD school

“Our students are experimental and visual learners.  Having the Holocaust presented in another form furthers their understanding.”

Educator, Calabasas High School

“It was really beautifully written and acted.  The story was complex and thought provoking while also being totally accessible for the students to follow.”

Educator, Calabasas High School

“I always think of this current generation of kids as presumptuous and entitled.  But at the end of the play some of the kids had comments like ‘they came to realize how lucky they were’ and ‘how lucky their childhood has been.’  I’m sure there was a takeaway these kids learned from the play.”

Educator, Calabasas High School

“Thank you for doing this.  It was wonderful and a more personal perspective to the Holocaust.”

Educator, Calabasas High School

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